UU Berks Committees

Navigation & Site Description :

Navigate to committee pages using the navigation bar at the top of the page on computers or the dropdown navigation menu on smartphones.

This Google Site is now hosted at our uuberks.org G Suite. Edit privileges are granted by request to the Office Administrator. This site contains pages for First UU Berks church committees for organizing efforts to fulfill committee missions. It exists to facilitate church committee communications within and between committees.

Access with Smartphones:

An icon for accessing this site can be added to the home screen of your smartphone for one-click access. Click on the appropriate link below for details:


Anyone with the link to this site can gain and share viewing access via the address (https://committees.uuberks.org). Any live links on the pages should also be viewable. Frequent users should bookmark the home page on their computers.

Edit privileges for UU Berks Committees can be granted by the office administrator. For most users, this will not be necessary. If you have edit privileges, follow these instructions to edit the website

Edit privileges for any documents linked to the site can be granted by the owner of the document or anyone else with edit privileges on the document.

Edit privileges require that you have a Google account. You simply need to provide either your uuberks.org or gmail address to the appropriate person so that your account can be included on the share list. If you do not have a Google Account, you can create one using your current email address and use it to edit the site.