RE Safety

Our highest priority in religious education is to maintain an environment that is physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe. When you are leading RE or a social event, the needs of the children and youth need to be your highest priority. If, for some reason, you are not able to be emotionally or spiritually present for the children (i.e., family emergency, health problems, etc.,) please let Ebee know as soon as possible so she can find a sub. Please read the safety policy below for the specific requirements for RE safety. At the end of the safety policy, there are a number of documents for your review. Please make sure you print the appropriate forms at the bottom of this page and bring them with you to the leader orientation meeting!

Table of Contents

Safe and Sacred Guidelines (Church Wide)

FUUCBC and the RE Committee take the safety of children very seriously.

We place great value on the quality of our Religious Education (RE) program and are eager to maintain a safe and sacred space for our children and for the teaching volunteers. Below are listed some guidelines for safety and conduct that we hope will foster the sense of respect, safety and comfort that comes when expectations are understood.


Annual registration is required for all new and returning students in our RE program. Registering your child for RE helps us with our planning, ensures that your child receives mailings from his or her teachers and about other church programs, and provides us with information about your child’s special needs. Forms are available through your child’s teacher or from the Director of Religious Education. Students are welcome to join our program throughout the year but parents must complete a new student/visitor registration form in order for the child to participate.

Classroom Conduct:

Our teachers and congregational helpers spend much time and energy creating a safe, supportive, nurturing and positive atmosphere in the classroom. We expect all children to behave in a manner that fosters these feelings for themselves and their classmates. Each teaching team is encouraged to develop a classroom code of conduct with the children. Parents can help by discussing appropriate behavior with their children and reinforcing the classroom code of conduct.

Sacred Space:

In all spaces of the church, we encourage parents to ensure that their child treats their church home with respect, and that if your child is under aged 9, they are supervised by an adult at all times. It may go without saying, but this behavior includes no running, standing or climbing on pews, throwing things or shouting. Any child who cannot control themselves will be asked to be under parental supervision at all times. The altar area in the sanctuary is to be regarded as sacred space, not a play area. Your child is welcome to join you for snacks during coffee hour. We ask that all children be guided to use moderation and good manners at the refreshment table.

Safety Guidelines for Teachers:

Your child’s teachers will have had training support. They will:

1. Have at least one other adult present in the classroom or an adjacent area.

2. Know where the closest fire exit is, routes of exit, where the closest fire extinguisher is, and lead fire drills during the year.

3. Exercise caution in chalice lighting, and supervision during group time

4. Store matches out of reach in shelving.

5. Ensure that children have completed registration forms and have permission slips for offsite trips when needed,

6. Ensure that the Director of Religious Education knows where your child’s group is at all times.

7. Know the location of First Aid Kit is in the Church.

8. Make sure that the child is picked up by a parent/guardian after class or finds the parents/guardians in coffee hour after class is complete.

Adults Covenant with our Children:

We hope to continue the feeling of extended family that we enjoy at our church, and that adults can support our “Safe and Sacred Policies.” We encourage you to model for our children the principles of respect for the dignity of others, justice and compassion in our relationships, and acceptance of one another that are the basis of our faith. If you see a child that may need guidance, you are encouraged to speak calmly to the child or directly to their parents. Shouting, shaming, complaining indirectly, or physical restraint is incompatible with our principles.

If you have any questions or further ideas, feel free to contact our DRE ( , or any member of the RE Committee.

UU Berks RE Classroom Procedures and Rules

RE Procedures

  1. Set-Up: Give yourself as much time as needed to set up before service (5-15 mins).
  2. Clean-Up: Get the kids/ parents involved in cleaning, this way you won’t have to do much more after they leave. Helpers should stay and help Teachers finish clean-up.
  3. Attendance/ Feedback Forms: Names/birthdays listed alphabetically. Provides record of children and *new* info to Sunday Assistant (write down names/birthdays of new kids please). Attached to/on the optional Feedback forms, please leave us receipts to be reimbursed (pre-approved classroom or lesson supplies) and feedback about the class if you wish. Attendance is filled out every class by Helpers. No exceptions. Don’t worry if tally is not totaled, but always know how many kids are in your care.
  4. New Child Info (Notepad): In addition to recording the above mentioned info on the attendance form, please find the small notepad and fill it out with any parents or guardians bringing new children to RE and attach to classroom clipboard so RE Assistant can pick up. Obviously, only do this if you have time and/ or ask Helpers to do this.
  5. Dismissal: For Pre-K & K-2 All kids must be under adult supervision at all times. Please walk children to kids' table in Gerber room after class. Know all children’s parents/ guardians! Ask others if you don’t.
  6. First Aid: Notify Sunday Assistant. Use text, or send someone downstairs to find Administrator or Sunday Assistant (check Chalice House if we are not in Kidspace). First Aid kit located:
    1. Seedlings (Pre-K.) middle shelf above sink in
    2. Sprouts (1-3) in labeled top left sink cabinet drawer in
    3. Saplings (4-6) in windowsill of activity room
    4. Youth Group (7-12) In sink ledge.
  7. Retrieving Parents: Please find Sunday Assistant or parent (sanctuary back doors) if child is inconsolable. Encourage parents to assist their child in acclimating to RE if needed.
  8. Lights/ Windows: When it’s hot enough outside to have windows open, be sure to close/lock them before you leave. Also please turn off all lights/fans etc upon exiting

RE Rules

1. Allergies/ Snacks

Alert: There are children with allergies in your class!!! Please know them.

Every classroom has an allergy/ dietary preference list under attendance list. The allergy list is not to be posted, to respect individual and family privacy.

Special snacks must be pre-approved by DRE, to ensure that we are not accidentally serving allergenic food. For new children who have not yet registered, try to ask parents etc. Please write notes on Allergy List if you can!

Children and youth may NOT bring food from home into RE classrooms.

2. Toys/Electronics from home

No toys from home. They can be a safety hazard (pieces) or cause arguments Exceptions pre-approved by the DRE (Ex: Comfort for separation anxiety). Electronics used for RE purposes (showing video) or time-keeping are okay.

3. General Safety

Zero tolerance for hitting, etc. (physical violence). Notify DREs immediately. No climbing (on chairs etc.) or teasing. Redirect, and/or isolate and discuss. Do not allow children to sit or climb on or near window ledges/ play with locks or play near electrical outlets, equipment, cords, power strips, etc. We do our best to keep these out of children’s reach, but please still be on alert.

4. Bathroom

Pre-K/K: Please send no more than one child at a time into the bathroom (independent children). Adults help as needed (younger children may not yet be completely independent). You may supervise more than one same-gender child so you don’t leave too many children with the other adult(s).

5. Principles or Covenant/ Safe and Sacred Classroom

Encourage the children to hold each other accountable. Lead by example.

6. Raising Hands

We may not always need a rule for when/ how much to speak. I have observed the children successfully taking turns sharing (“going around in a circle” without need for raising hands, etc.). But whatever the rule is or isn’t, please be on the same page as your partner.

7. Field Trips and Photos

Both require parent permission (via current RE registration forms). All field trips are discussed and planned with DRE, who have access to these forms. We usually limit field trips to walking trips but will consider car trips.

Before taking or posting photos of children anywhere or for any purpose, ask DRE.

B.E.S.T. Rules

We Promise to be our B.E.S.T.

  • B: Be Kind
  • E: Everyone keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
  • S: Stop, Look, and Listen to the speaker
  • T: Talk, walk & work quietly
  • We promise to - Pay attention and be engaged, participate (voluntary), avoid causing mental harm (e.g. name calling, bullying, belittling, being disrespectful, etc…) & Avoid deliberately distracting teacher or derailing conversation (e.g. calling out, making a commotion, etc…)

Child Safety Policy (2016)

Please help us keep your children safe. According to new PA child protective services laws, only adults with current (within 60 months) PA and federal clearances may be responsible for children in our Religious Education (RE) Program (including Summer RE). If a parent or guardian who has not been checked wishes to accompany their child to RE, please do not allow them to take responsibility for any children other than their own (including taking children to the bathroom).

Mandated Reporter

Mandated Reporter Training is not required of volunteers, but it is recommended. – every 5 years

Most volunteers are mandated (required) to report child abuse under the new P.A. law.

Training will:

1) define mandated reporters vs. permissive reporters (those who choose to report)

2) teach procedure for reporting suspected child abuse

This is free online training designed to take 3 hours. Go to


In Pennsylvania all volunteers are required to have three clearances - updated every 5 years. Please see clearances page for full instructions