Special Plate Collection
The Special Plate Collection is managed by the Social Justice Committee. They are responsible for finding organizations to share our "once a month" collection plate. The actual organizations are voted on at the semi-annual congregational meetings. Our email address is g.social.justice@uuberks.org .
- 1-2 months before the semi-annual congregational meetings:
- schedule a committee meeting to create a ballot
- solicit FUUBC church membership to nominate organizations using mail/email
- once nominations are received, vett them and create sample ballot
- A week before:
- send out sample ballot via mail/email to all FUUBC church members
- create presentation of candidates for semi-annual congregational meetings
- create paper voting ballot
- make copies of paper ballots to hand out at meeting
- At the meeting
- explain process on how candidates are chosen for ballot
- introduce candidates
- conduct vote
- After the meeting
- Tally the votes and prepare report for Board
- Contact Board to add report to meeting agenda
- Present report at Board meeting
Special Plate History - Winners & Organizations Details