UUBerks Choir Expectations (draft)
We come together each week to strengthen our community of music makers.
We come prepared to listen, to learn, to care for one another and to have fun.
We share our attendance plans on the choir attendance excel sheet as early as we can so because we respect the strength of the choir.
We make time to practice pieces at home when we are not able to attend rehearsal.
Digital Score Library (for internal use only)
I Believe
If Not Now
There is a Love
Let the Life I Lived
Creation of Peace - Mark A Miller
From 2019 Conference for Association of Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries
REHEARSALS (Chalice house, 1st floor, meeting room)
We meet on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 (ish - ending early when possible)
We meet on the following Sundays this spring from 9:30 - 10:10:
2/2, 3/1, 3/8, 4/5
We will not meet on the following:
2/23, 3/29, 5/3, 5/10
Sunday Anthem days:
2/9 - Let Your Light
2/16 - I Believe
3/15 - Let the Life I've Lived
3/22 - Music Service - 'If Not Now' and 'Calme Des Nuits'
4/12 - Easter/Flower Communion - 'Lean in Toward The Light'
4/26 - 'If Not Now' and 'Rising for our Lives'
5/17 - "Rising For Our Lives"
5/24 - tbd
6/7 - tbd, last anthem Sunday until September
Music Planning Resources
Sheet Music Resources
- (needs update/revamp but a good place to start)
Association of Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries -
- Learn Page (protest songs, youtube link, copyright resources)
Music Publishers Direct Links
- J.W. Pepper
- SheetMusicPlus
- we have accounts with both of these companies - if you are doing more than browsing, contact director of music for login info
Youtube Inspiration Playlist - Choir/Small Grp. Specific
- I will update once a season. You are welcome to add songs you feel called to.